Thursday, October 24, 2013

Central Station (1998)

            The film Central Station also known as Central do Brasil (1998) is directed by Walter Salles and it tells a story about a former schoolteacher named Dora who supports herself by taking dictation from illiterate people who want to write letters to their families.  Dora pockets the money without even mailing out the envelopes. One day a nine-year-old boy named Josue is left alone because his mother was suddenly killed in a terrible bus accident in which the boy wittnessed.  Dora unwillingly takes the boy in to try and help him. They both then embark on a journey to search for the boys long lost father. This journey gives Dora a second chance to redeem her personality and help get her life back on track.
            The main theme that comes out of this story is strongly related with the treatment of religion. The beliefs that filter the culture and people are shown within Salles’ picture. This film gives audiences around the world what life was like in Brazil back in 1998. Everywhere the camera looks there are symbols of religion spread throughout the area in which the two characters life in. This story is about the two characters going on a pilgrimage. Even through they do not know it this is evident. for example Dora is getting a second chance by helping the boy which ultimately makes her into a better person.
            In my opinion Salles did a fantastic job in directing this film. The character development throughout this movie was unbelievable. Dora for example was hated from the beginning but then she got close to the boy as the journey went on which the character started to be respected.  Next the camera angles that were used throughout the film were very interesting and different. For example the point of view shots when the boy and the woman are looking into a small box at a picture. For audiences to know that it is a point a view shot the camera shakes just a bit to give it that human element.  Finally the story really hit it home for me because the plot was sad and the actors help make this plot more believable to audiences. I found myself rooting for the boy to find his father. The writing and the directing really help shape the story and made it very enjoyable to watch. Salles did an excellent job in moving the story along. 

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