Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Separation (2011)

A Separation (2011) is about a married couple that wants to get a separation because Simin the wife feels that Iran is not a good place to raise a family but the husband Nader will not leave Iran because he wants to stay with his sick father who is suffering from Alzheimer's. Throughout the duration of the film Nader hires a housekeeper named Razieh  to take care of his father, because Simin left. Razieh is pregnant and has a hard time taking care of Nader father because he is a lot of work. One Day Nader comes home and accuses Razieh for stealing money from him. Razieh is denying it and they start to argue. Nader get angry and shoves Razieh. Nader is now called into court because Razieh lost her baby and her husband Hojjat believes that Nader was the cause of the miscarriage.
           This film focuses on several key issues. For example divorce in Israel is frond upon. People of that culture do not believe that a man and a woman should not get divorced, it is morally wrong. The next topic that is stress throughout the film is false accusation. When Nader was brought in for supposedly causing Razieh miscarriage, Razieh forgot to mention that she was hit by a car before Nader pushed her and felt a sharp pain in her stomach the night before. By keeping this from the judge
she is prosecuting an innocent man.  Finally the last issue that was explained throughout the film was child custody. The Simin and Nader were fighting over the custody of there daughter Termeh. They wanted what was best for her to live in a safe environment. In Iran the father has custody over the daughter until a certain age unless the daughter says differently. Throughout the beginning of the film Termeh stays with her father Nader. But as this issue starts to become more of a problem the daughter then is left with the choice of who to live with by the end of the film.
       I felt that this film was very well done. The plot was excellent; the story really hit it home for me.   I learned a lot about the Iran culture through this film. I also felt that the acting was great. The protagonist Nader was very believable and you really felt sympathy for this character. Finally the lighting and the cinematography was beautifully done. I feel this is the reason why it won an Oscar. I would give this film an 8 out of 10 stars.

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