Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cinema Paradiso (1988)

                   Cinema Paradiso (1988) directed by Giuseppe Tornatore tells a story about a boy named Salvatore also known as “Totto” who loves to spend his free time at the movie theater. As a child he was a troublemaker and the theater was a way of staying out of trouble. While young Salvatore went to the movies he was always curious of how everything worked and was fascinated by the projection booth. Throughout the entire beginning of the film Salvatore grew a strong relationship with the projectionist of the local theater Alfredo. During the film the two become very close and Alfredo takes on the father figure of the young Salvatore. When Sal becomes a teen he falls in love with a girl who often leads him on. When the love comes and goes Alfredo tells Sal to move on and go and succeed in bigger dreams. Alfredo tells Sal to never come back because there is nothing good for him in the town.  When many years pass Sal receives a phone call from his mother back home and gives him the bad news that Alfredo has passed. The boy goes back to the town in which he grew up to morn his beloved friend’s death.
            This film follows a couple of major themes throughout its entirety. The first is friendship. By show how Totto and Alfredo became close, to the hardships along the way really show audiences that friendship is hard to come by but if it is achieved then it can last a lifetime. The main theme that was shown was love. This film followed a young boy as he grows into a man. During each section of the film love is evident for example Alfredo and Sal grow a strong connection which makes them form a friendship then later Alfredo becomes more like a father to the main protagonist.  Also in the middle of the film audiences follow Sal’s teenage years and watched him fall in love with a woman. Love is often expressed throughout many films in the industry today. The reason why love was a major theme throughout this film is because love is a subject in which everyone can relate to.

            This film was fantastic the story the character development, and the cinematography was just out right phenomenal. I loved how they opened the beginning of the film in the present day and the older Salvatore got the news about a character in which the audience did not know yet, Alfredo. By doing this audiences members like myself was automatically interested in the story. The character development is another thing in with I really enjoyed. By watching Salvatore grow up throughout the film the audience related to the main character because we watched him grow up on screen. Finally the story really hit it home for me. The one part in which I feel that they really did a fantastic job with was when Alfredo gave the young Salvatore some old film reels of all the kissing scenes he had to cut out of the films for the theater but never handed it to him. At the end of the film the older Salvatore is given a gift from Alfredo’s wife and when he plays the reel in the theater it is the old film reels Alfredo promised Salvatore. It was a great ending and that really caped it off fore me. Cinema Paradiso (1988) was definitely the best film we have watch this semester thus far. I give this film a 8 out of 10.    

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chico and Rita (2010)

            Chico and Rita (2010) directed by Tono Errando and Javier Mariscal tells a story about a young piano player named Chico who one day wants to become a famous musician. While Chico is hanging out at a nightclub he falls in love with a talented singer named Rita.  Throughout the film the love between both Chico and Rita is a Roller coaster ride. Throughout the film the two main protagonists are split up because of indifferences in the relationship, which ultimately leads to Rita’s success in the music industry. Chico is finding some success as well he plays in many different nightclubs in NYC, which is how he starts to become noticed. Both Rita and Chico settle their differences at the end of the film, and become lovers again after a long time of struggle and heartache.
            This film revolved around two central themes, which are love and passion. The two characters in this animated film show audiences that relationships can be messy sometimes and that it is filled with ups and down. Chico and Rita relationship throughout the film went through many obstacles and misunderstandings but in the end they found a way to keep it going. Passion is displayed throughout Chico and Rita’s profession. They both care very much about creating music and art. In this film we see the struggles that the music industry presents. Both Chico and Rita have the passion and the will to keep doing what they love, which is to entertain audiences.
            When I saw this film for the first time in class I was taken back. The message, the story, the characters, and the art was fantastic. The music in the film was very authentic as the directors’ goal was to take their audiences back to 1948. The character development throughout the film was very interesting as well. In the beginning of the film we saw the main character, Chico in present day then the story took audiences back in time to when he was young to develop the character and give him background. This film captures the true highs and lows of a relationship. By showing the ups and downs in Chico and Rita’s relationship it gives audiences something to relate to which keeps them interested throughout this film. I truly enjoy this movie and I would love the passion and thinking that went into this film. The reasons in which I stated are probably why this animated love story was nominated for an Academy Award in 2012.   

Thursday, November 7, 2013

From the Land to Your Table (2011)

From the Land to Your Table (2011); directed by Alejo Hoijman and JosuĂ© Mendez is a documentary that shows the perspectives for seven Ibero-American filmmakers as they explore and capture the different conditions of many popular produce markets. The audience is shown how many different cultures go about their business as regards to the many types of produce food stands. Local citizens share their stories as people try to lean more and more about this way of life.
            Throughout this documentary the audiences hears from many different people from diverse cultures.  The main goal is to make outsiders aware of the stress and conditions these people work under. By showing the work place of these individuals it gives people an idea of how hard life is for all these diverse cultures. A new world is revealed to audiences around the world as the film makers behind this documentary try to paint a picture of a normal day of living in various socioeconomic conditions. The interest lies with the fascinating stories of foods that we eat and the transition they make from the beginning to end stages.
             There were several key elements that made this documentary was very interesting for audiences. The first was the type of style used throughout the film. Documentaries are shot in many different ways but I have never seen one that was quite like this one. Throughout the beginning of the movie about 35- 40 minutes consisted of no dialogue, just images. This was very powerful in my mind because the filmmakers wanted to show the process of how food was made from the beginning. So there were a lot of shots that showed farms and the countryside. Second element was that there was no sit down interviews. This documentary used on location interviews of the locals instead of a formal type of interview. I believe that the intent was to let the visual and the real life action do the explaining. This method was well executed and kept me interested the entire time. The third and final element that was used that made this documentary so enjoyable to watch was the cinematography. Throughout the entire documentary the shots were very interesting. I loved how they used the camera angles to tell the story. One show that I really enjoyed were the extreme close ups of the citizens faces as they were hard at work.  By doing this, the film captured the emotions of each person, which helped audiences relate to the topic.

             I feel that this film was very interesting both the subject matter and the style of it made me very intrigued. It was not your every day type of documentary it was much more then that. The filmmakers did a great job it showing the cultural differences within each segment of the film.